Youth Parent Group Potluck

SAT. 6/15 from 4:30 - 7:00 PM

  • for ALL Youth Group Families
  • rising 6th Graders to graduating Seniors

As a final gathering for the Youth Group Parents, come join us for an evening of food, connection, and fun! Bring your entire family to the CCCI gymnasium for a potluck dinner, some mixer activities, conversation, and a chance to welcome our newly promoted 6th grade families!!

Sign up to attend and bring a dish here by Wednesday, June 12.

Sign up

Questions: contact Denise or Allison (317.417.4570,

The Youth Parent Group exists to bring together and better equip parents to raise our children in the way of the LORD through: praying together, growing in godliness, upholding the Word of God, cultivating community, and supporting one another in parenting.


六月15日 (星期六) 下午4:30 - 7:00 點

歡迎所有青少年團契家庭 (包括剛升上六年級至高中畢業生)

活動將在 CCCI 體育館舉行,包含 potluck晚餐、趣味混合活動、交流時間,以及一起歡迎即將升上六年級的新生家庭!

請點擊 此處 報名參加, 並攜帶一道菜餚。 截止日期是6月12 日。


如有任何問題,請聯繫 Denise 或 Allison (317.417.4570,。


  • 共同禱告
  • 敬虔成長
  • 堅守神的話語
  • 建立屬基督的大家庭
  • 在教養子女方面互相支持