Baptism 洗禮

Baptism is the special step in the life of a Christian where he or she publicly professes his or her faith and desire to follow Christ.

As such, we want to prepare you well not only for the baptism itself but also for living a faithful life.

洗禮是基督徒生命中非常重要的屬靈里程碑,接受洗禮的目的是,藉著洗禮公開宣告自己對耶穌基督的信仰,表明自己願意成為耶穌基督的門徒,藉著洗禮與祂聯合,並藉著洗禮, 歸入耶穌基督的名下,立志一生跟隨祂、效法祂、為祂作見證。為此,我們教會十分願意幫助您為洗禮作預備,藉著裝備和陪伴您,幫助您成為耶穌基督忠心的門徒,並幫助您活出忠於耶穌基督的生命。

Chinese Ministry






English & Youth Ministry

In order to prepare for baptism, you'll work with a baptism mentor and learn some of the basics of following Christ using this short 7-session Bible study called Just for Starters. (Once you are assigned your baptism mentor, you can decide which times are convenient for you to meet; one idea is Sundays at 9:00 am.)

We have baptism on Easter Sunday and around Thanksgiving.

When you are baptized, in addition to the actual baptism, you'll share your testimony. (You will be provided some resources on how to prepare your testimony.)

If you are interested in baptism, please contact Justin.

Contact Justin