
A group of Chinese Christians led by the Holy Spirit started a Bible study fellowship in Indianapolis in 1968. The group met at the Northminster Presbyterian Church for worship services. This congregation was transformed into the Chinese Community Church of Indianapolis in November 1973. The group physically moved to the Meridian Street Methodist Church sanctuary for services in the fall of 1974. Subsequently, the church settled at the location on Broadway Avenue on August 1982. Over the past few years, the group grew in desperate need of larger facilities. By God’s grace, the church purchased and moved into the present location at 3405 E. 116th Street in Carmel in June 1999.

The church organization consists of administration, finance, education, worship, fellowship, mission and caring ministry. The congregation elects deacons to oversee various responsibilities within the church as well as to guide the brothers & sisters in serving the Lord together.

1968年間,一群基督徒在神的引導下,於印城開始查經班的工作。最先,他們使用Northminster Presbyterian教堂聚會並且於1973年11月定名為「印城華人教會」;在1974年秋改借Meridian Street Methodist教堂聚會,最後在1982年買下座落在56街和Broadway交接口的一所教堂,從此才正式擁有屬於自己的聚會場所。近年來由於人數的增長和使用空間的不足,於1999年6月神恩待我們,使教會得以搬遷並買下現址。 教會會務共分為行政部、財務部、教育部、崇拜部、團契部、宣教部和關懷部。教會每年甄選執事和同工分別負責各部門事工,並帶領會內弟兄姐妹同心事奉主。


Justin Young 楊華西

Justin Young Hi! I serve as the Pastor of English and Youth Ministries. I graduated with a BA from Wheaton College in Biblical and Theological Studies and an MDiv from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. My wife, Grace, and I have three children. My current interests include technology, “running,” and essentialism.

你好!我是楊華西 ,擔任印城華人教會英語和青少年事工的牧師。我於惠頓學院取得神學學士學位之後,續於三一神學院取得道學碩士(M. Div.)學位。我與妻子Grace育有三個孩子。 我的興趣包括科技發展、跑步、以及簡約主義。

Contact Justin

Rugang Li 李汝剛

Rugang Li

Hello! I am Rev. Rugang Li and currently serving as the Pastor of the Mandarin Ministry. I graduated with a Master of Divinity (M.Div.) degree from Logos Evangelical Seminary in May 2020, joined CCCI in December 2020, and was ordained in November 2023. Prior to serving the church full-time, I had been engaged in molecular biology and biotechnology research for over 30 years. I enjoy biblical preaching, reading, traveling, and the biological sciences. My wife, Shuiqing Zhao, and I have two sons, both of whom are adults.


Contact Rugang

Yingxue Li 李迎雪

Yingxue Li

Hello! I am Yingxue Li (Jeremy Li), a pastor of the Northwest Church of CCCI from Aug.1st, 2024. I came from Xi'an, and my wife, Xiaohong Liu, came from Hunan. In 2011, I obtained my first PhD in Organic Chemistry from the University of Arizona. In 2013, I was called by God to study at Westminster Theological Seminary. In 2017, I obtained M.Div. in pastoral program. Later I participated in campus ministry at the Louisiana Chinese Church. In 2024, I obtained a Th.M. in Missiology from the Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. I am currently pursuing my second Ph.D. in Theological Study (ICS program) in Trinity Evangelical Divinity School.

你好! 我是李迎雪传道,2024年8月1日开始担任印城华人教会西北堂牧师。我是西安人,太太刘小红是湖南娄底人。2011年,我在亚利桑那大学获得有机化学博士学位,2013年我蒙神呼召进入西敏斯特神学院学习,2017年获得道学教牧学位。毕业后,我在路易斯安那州华人教会参与校园服事。2024年我在戈登康维尔神学院获得宣教学神学硕士。目前在职读三一神学院神学博士(宣教学方向, ICS. Ph.D.)。

Contact Yingxue


Cecil%20Lee Cecil%20Lee Cecil%20Lee Cecil%20Lee Stanley%20Chen
Howard Huang 黃曉華 Mark Freije Birong Liao 廖畢榮 Justin Young 楊華西 Stanley Chen 陈昱璁
Chair 主席


Ginger%20Wu Denise%20Huang Kun%20Zhu Fan%20Muyi
Ginger Wu 吳穎哲 Denise Huang 陳惠瑜 Kun Zhu 朱昆 Fanmuyi Yang 楊帆木易
Chair 主席 Vice Chair 副主席 Secretary 秘書 Worship 敬拜事工
Education 教育事工 Mission 宣教事工 Fellowship 團契事工

Aaron%20Scott Zhendu%20Zhang Karen%20Tsai Shuyuan%20Wu
Aaron Scott Zhen-Du Zhang 張振都 Karen Tsai 陳瑄沅 Shuyuan Wu 吳淑媛
Building 設施後勤 Caring 關懷事工 Treasurer/Finance 財務 Treasurer/Finance 財務


Statement of Faith

  1. We believe in one God, eternally existing in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit; and these three are the same in substance, equal in power and glory.
  2. We believe in the Scriptures of the Old and the New Testaments as verbally and plenary inspired by God and inerrant in the original writing, and that they are of supreme and final authority in faith and life.
  3. We believe that Jesus Christ was begotten by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, and is true God and true man.
  4. We believe that man was created in the image of God; that he sinned, and thereby incurred, not only physical death but also that spiritual death which is separation from God and that all human beings are born with a sinful nature, and, in the case of those who reach moral responsibility, become sinners in thought, word, and deed.
  5. We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ died for our sins; according to the Scriptures, as a representative and substitutionary sacrifice; and that all who believe in Him are justified on the ground of His shed blood.
  6. We believe in the resurrection of the crucified body of our Lord, in His ascension into Heaven, and in His present life there for us, as High Priest and Advocate.
  7. We believe in the deity and personality of the Holy Spirit, who convicts the sinner, regenerates, indwells, enlightens and guides the believer.
  8. We believe that all who receive by faith the Lord Jesus Christ are born again by the Holy Spirit, and thereby become children of God.
  9. We believe on "that blessed hope" the personal and premillennial and imminent return of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
  10. We believe in the bodily resurrection of the just and the unjust; the everlasting blessedness of the saved, and the everlasting punishment of the lost.

Based on the above statement, the Chinese Community Church of Indianapolis devotes its ministries to the Chinese both Overseas and American-born in accordance with God-given cultural characteristics and regional location.


  1. 第一條 我們相信獨一的真神,永存上帝,聖父,聖子,聖靈,三位一體,同尊,同權, 同榮。
  2. 第二條 我們相信新舊約全本聖經乃神所默示,原版聖經完全無誤,是信仰與生活至高 無上的權威。
  3. 第三條 我們相信耶穌基督是由聖靈感孕,從童貞女馬利亞所生,是完全神,也是完全 人。
  4. 第四條 我們相信人是照著神的形象而被造,因犯罪帶來肉體的死,也帶來靈性的死, 就是與神隔絕,從此人生而有罪,並且那些已達可負道德責任之人,在思想、 言語和行為上也都有罪。
  5. 第五條 我們相信主耶穌基督為我們的罪而死,根據聖經,祂代替世人的罪成為贖罪的 犧牲,為要使一切信祂的人因祂流出的寶血而得以稱義。
  6. 第六條 我們相信主那帶著釘痕的身體從死裡復活,如今在天上做我們的大祭司與中 保。
  7. 第七條 我們相信聖靈的神性與位格。
  8. 第八條 我們相信只要憑著信心,接受救主耶穌基督,聖靈便重生了我們,成為神的兒 女。
  9. 第九條 我們相信救主耶穌基督的第二次再來。
  10. 第十條 我們相信無論義與不義人,身體都將復活,得救的人將擁有存到永遠的福祉, 迷失的人卻只有永無止盡的刑罰。
