(English below.)
由世界展望會 (World Vision) 設計的「飢餓30」體驗活動即將在3 月 15 日星期五至 16 日星期六的週末展開。透過募款,參與的青少年將在禁食的30小時期間同時進行社區服務。
I. 「飢餓30」的第一階段是募款,在正式活動週末之前進行。青少年們可以透過以下方式籌集資金:
II. 第二部分則是「飢餓30」的重頭戲。
3 月 15 日星期五,吃完午餐後,就要禁食囉!大家在晚上 7:30 抵達教會,參與有關貧困議題的特會(包含學習討論和遊戲活動)。 當晚我們也將在教會過夜,女生在一樓,男生在地下一樓。
3 月 16 日星期六,青少年們將分成小組,在印第安納波利斯周邊進行社區服務。我們將在晚上6:00 結束禁食,一同用餐。所有活動預計在晚上 7:00 結束。
想讓您的孩子參與飢餓 30 的體驗嗎?請點擊此處register here 為他們報名,截止日期為 2 月 11 日星期日。此外,請記得填寫父母同意書 parental consent form.
Hi Parents,
30 Hour Famine (Friday, March 15 to Saturday, March 16) is a weekend experience designed by the relief agency World Vision in which youth are sponsored to fast for 30 hours while serving in the community.
Why fast? By fasting, the youth have a taste of what daily life is for the many who experience food insecurity around the world.
There are two parts to the 30 Hour Famine experience.
Part one is the fundraising the youth do prior to the actual 30 Hour Famine weekend. Youth can raise funds by selling food on Sundays (2/25, 3/3, 3/10), soliciting donations from family and friends, or other creative means. These funds help fight global poverty.
Part two is the 30 Hour Famine weekend itself:
Friday, March 15 - Youth stop eating after lunch, and then arrive at church at 7:30 p.m. for a special night of study, discussion, and games related to poverty. We'll also sleep over at church – girls on the first floor; guys in the basement.
Saturday, March 16 - Youth divide into groups and do community service around Indianapolis. We'll break the fast at 6:00 p.m. and conclude by 7:00 p.m.
In addition, please feel free to contact me with questions!
To register for 30 Hour Famine, please have your youth register here by Sunday, February 11, and then please complete this parental consent form.