Focus Group

In December, we held a half-day planning session comprised of Elders, Pastors and Congregational Representatives, to identify the key areas that our strategic plan will need to address. We intentionally did not arrive at any conclusions in this meeting, but agreed on four key areas that need more clarity or a more intentional strategy for the good of our church. As we seek God’s wisdom, we also invite broad participation from our congregation. We welcome your feedback on the following six questions:

  1. In one word, phrase or sentence, why did you first attend CCCI?
  2. In one word, phrase or sentence, why do you continue to attend CCCI?
  3. How do you expect our church demographics to change in the next 5-10 years and does that have any implications for our identity as a Chinese church and the future focus of our church growth?
  4. What have we learned from our church planting experiences of the past few years and how do you feel about future church plants or a multi-site church?
  5. What are the three most important ministries to the health of our church?
  6. What suggestions do you have to help our brothers and sisters grow in spiritual maturity?

Register by February 9


12 月,我們舉行了為期半天的規劃會議,由長老、牧師和會眾代表參加,以確定我們的戰略計劃需要解決的關鍵領域。我們特意在這次會議上沒有作出任何結論,但就四個關鍵領域達成了一致,這些領域需要更清晰或更有目的性的戰略,以造福我們的教會。在我們尋求上帝的智慧時,我們也邀請會眾廣泛參與。我們歡迎您對以下六個問題的反饋:

  1. 用一個詞、短語或句子,說明您最初參加 CCCI 的原因?
  2. 用一個詞、短語或句子,說明您繼續參加 CCCI 的原因?
  3. 您預計我們教會的人口結構在未來 5-10 年內會發生怎樣的變化,這對我們作為華人教會的身份和我們教會未來發展的重點有何影響?
  4. 我們從過去幾年的植堂經歷中學到了什麼?您對未來的植堂或多堂點教會有何看法?
  5. 對我們教會的健康來說,最重要的三個事工是什麼?
  6. 您有什麼建議來幫助我們的兄弟姐妹在靈性上更加成熟?
