October 2023

Confession of Sin & Prayer for Grace

Lord Jesus, if I say I have no sin, I deceive myself and the truth is not in me; so I humbly confess my sins today. The idols of my heart are many. I have bowed down to false gods, and looked to them to provide what only you can provide. Forgive me. Free me. Deepen my sorrow for the wrong I have done and the good I have left undone. My comfort is found in knowing that you are full of compassion, slow to anger and abounding in grace. I trust boldly in Christ my redeemer. Amen.


Scripture Reading

  • October 2 - Psalm 2, Judges 16
  • October 3 - Psalm 3, Judges 17
  • October 4 - Psalm 4, Judges 18
  • October 5 - Psalm 5, Judges 19
  • October 6 - Psalm 6, Judges 20
  • October 7 - (No reading)
  • October 8 - (No reading)
  • October 9 - Psalm 7, Judges 21
  • October 10 - Psalm 8, Ruth 1
  • October 11 - Psalm 9, Ruth 2
  • October 12 - Psalm 10, Ruth 3
  • October 13 - Psalm 11, Ruth 4
  • October 14 - (No reading)
  • October 15 - (No reading)
  • October 16 - Psalm 12, Isaiah 1
  • October 17 - Psalm 13, Isaiah 2
  • October 18 - Psalm 14, Isaiah 3
  • October 19 - Psalm 15, Isaiah 4
  • October 20 - Psalm 16, Isaiah 5
  • October 21 - (No reading)
  • October 22 - (No reading)
  • October 23 - Psalm 17, Isaiah 6
  • October 24 - Psalm 18, Isaiah 7
  • October 25 - Psalm 19, Isaiah 8
  • October 26 - Psalm 20, Isaiah 9
  • October 27 - Psalm 21, Isaiah 10
  • October 28 - (No reading)
  • October 29 - (No reading)
  • October 30 - Psalm 22, Isaiah 11
  • October 31 - Psalm 23, Isaiah 12

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Apostles' Creed

I believe in God, the Father almighty,
creator of heaven and earth.

I believe in Jesus Christ, God's only Son, our Lord,
who was conceived by the Holy Spirit,
born of the Virgin Mary,
suffered under Pontius Pilate,
was crucified, died, and was buried;
he descended to the dead.
On the third day he rose again;
he ascended into heaven,
he is seated at the right hand of the Father,
and he will come to judge the living and the dead.

I believe in the Holy Spirit,
the holy catholic Church,
the communion of saints,
the forgiveness of sins,
the resurrection of the body,
and the life everlasting. Amen.


Lord's Prayer

Our Father, who art in heaven,
hallowed be thy Name.
Thy kingdom come,
thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom,
and the power, and the glory, forever and ever.



O God our King, by the resurrection of your Son Jesus Christ on the first day of the week, you conquered sin, put death to flight, and gave us the hope of everlasting life: Redeem all our days by this victory; forgive our sins, banish our fears, make us bold to praise you and to do your will; and steel us to wait for the consummation of your kingdom on the last great Day; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.



Isaiah Introduction

Author and Date

Isaiah was called to his prophetic ministry “in the year that King Uzziah died” (6:1), around 740 B.C. He lived long enough to record the death of Sennacherib (37:38), in 681. However, most of the book can be dated only in very general terms because few specific dates are given.


The central theme of the book is God himself, who does all things for his own glory (48:11). Isaiah defines everything else by how it relates to God: is it rightly related to him as the center of all reality (45:22–25)? God’s people find strength only as they rest in the promises of their God (30:15). They find refreshment only as they delight themselves in his word (55:1–2). To serve his cause is their worthy devotion (ch. 62), but to rebel against him is endless death (66:24).


September 2023 | Bible Reading Plan | November 2023