Awana will on Friday, September 20, 2024.

Awana stands for "Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed" and is based on the Bible verse of 2 Timothy 2:15. Our hope is that all children and youth throughout the world would come to know, love, and serve the Lord Jesus Christ.

The meetings are run by trained leaders who use stories and games to show children that learning to walk with God can be FUN! Awana meets every Friday evening from 7:30 pm to 9:00 pm during the school year for age 3 to 5th grade.

Club dues are $50 per child for the entire year. These funds are used to defray the cost of food, materials and awards.

Awana 將於2023年9月8日星期五開始。

Awana 是一個以聖經為基礎的兒童事工。Awana 名稱出自聖經提摩太後書 2:15「得蒙喜悅作無愧的工人」,是取其英文 Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed 的首字母縮合而成。Awana 的宗旨是使世界上所有的兒童和青少年都認識、敬愛、服事主耶穌基督。在 Awana 活動中,導師和助教會使用故事和遊戲,讓孩子們在樂趣中學習與上帝同行。

Awana 活動時間是學期間每週五晚上 7:30-9:00,適合幼兒園至五年級學童。每名學童的年度會費為 $50,用於支付食物,教材和獎品的費用。



When did Awana start at CCCI? 事工歷史

The Awana Clubs (ministry) began here at CCCI in the fall of 2000. Patricia Huang became the first Awana Commander, who oversees all of CCCI Awana operations.

印城華人教會的 Awana 事工成立於 2000 年秋季。黃聖華是首任 Awana 執行長,負責監管印城華人教會 Awana 活動事宜。

How is Awana organized? 班級組織

Awana is organized in grades:

Awana 學童按年齡分為三個班級:


  • Preschool (3 year old and above)
  • Schedule: A beginning activity followed by a story, worship, games, reciting Bible verses, and a snack.
  • 三歲以上幼兒
  • 程序:活動、故事、敬拜讚美、遊戲、背誦聖經經文、點心。


  • Kindergarten - 2nd Grade
  • Schedule: Flag Ceremony in gym, council time, handbook time, and game time.
  • 幼兒園大班至二年級
  • 程序:升旗儀式、大會敬拜及信息、學習聖經手冊、遊戲競賽。


  • 3rd - 5th Grade
  • Schedule: Flag Ceremony in gym, game time, council time, and handbook time.
  • 三至五年級
  • 程序:升旗儀式、遊戲競賽、大會敬拜及信息、學習聖經手冊。

How can parents get involved? 父母參與

It is important for parents to help their children review the Bible verses they are memorizing and learning each Friday. Parents can also ask their children what they are learning at Awana and participate in activities that require parental presence.

Awana 學童每週五都會學習和背誦聖經經文,父母務必幫助孩子複習這些經文。父母也可以問問孩子在 Awana 學到了什麼,並陪孩子參加需要家長陪伴的活動。

What are the upcoming events for Awana? 最新消息

Our newsletter, The Awana Weekly, provides information for the coming Friday as well as upcoming events.

請訂閱我們的電子報,以了解 Awana 的最新消息以及本週五即將舉行的活動。

How do I learn more about Awana? 更多資訊

To learn more about Awana check out the official Awana website.

如果想要更深入了解 Awana,請參官方網站。

If you have any questions regarding Awana, please contact Patricia Huang (

如果您對 Awana 有任何疑問,請聯繫 Patricia Huang (。