上午9:00 中文堂 上午9:30 Northwest西北堂 11:00 a.m. English 上午11:00 廣東堂 下午3:00 South南區
Sundays at 9:00 am (Mandarin), 11:00 am (English), or 11:00 am (Cantonese). 中文堂:週日上午 9:00。英文堂:週日上午 11:00 。粵語堂:週日上午 11:00。 3405 E. 116th Street, Carmel, IN 46033 - (317) 706-0433
Sundays in Zionsville at 9:30 am (Mandarin with English translation). 中文堂:週日上午 9:30。有英文同聲傳譯和兒童主日學。 5964 S County Road 700 E, Whitestown, IN 46075
Join us for lunch on Sunday, March 30! The deadline is Friday, March 28@ 12:00 p.m.
Help decorate the sanctuary for this years Easter celibration by purchasing Easter lillies, which can be dedicated to a loved one.
複活節主日(4/20) 將近,為紀念親人、朋友而捐贈複活節百合花的活动,有意者請填寫此表格 ,請大家在禱告中紀念。